Bakalaura darba mērķis ir noskaidrot, kāda ir attiecība starp Augustīna ticības izpratni un seno Akadēmijas skepticismu, analizējot Augustīna darbus ‘Pret akadēmiķiem’ un ‘Par ticības lietderību’. Augustīna ticības izpratne ir oriģināls un skaidrs veids, kā domāt par pastarpināti pieejamām zināšanām. Pētījumā tiek izgaismota šī koncepta veidošanās – piemērs tam, kā viduslaiku priekšvakarā tiek ‘kristīta’ antīkā doma. Pētījuma rezultātā tiek noskaidroti četri veidi, kādos ir saprotama Akadēmijas skepticisma un Augustīna ticības izpratnes attiecība.The aim of this paper is to determine the relation between Academic skepticism and conception of faith in Augustine by analysing his ‘Against Academics’ and ‘On the Profit of Believing’. Augustine’...
Well known sentence fides quaerens intellectum often mentioned by St. Augustine of Hippo and very po...
Thesis (M.A.)--Boston UniversityPLEASE NOTE: Boston University Libraries did not receive an Authoriz...
A substantial body of literature has been produced in the twentieth century by religious and philos...
Does Augustine succeed in refuting Academic skepticism in the Contra Academicos ? A careful reading ...
In his Contra Academicos, Augustine offers one of the most detailed responses to scepticism to have ...
International audienceAugustine played a crucial role in the history of philosophical skepticism. Th...
According to St. Augustine Faith and Reason are intertwined, overlapping each other, but without exc...
Šiame darbe yra analizuojama antikinės filosofijos ir krikščionybės persipynimas bei antikinių idėjų...
Rad je usmjeren i ograničen na teološki nauk, tj. nauk o Bogu koji sv. Aurelije Augustin (354.-430.)...
Šī bakalaura darba problemātika ir Augustīna filozofijas diskusija ar maniheismu un pelagiānismu. Ra...
Šajā pētījumā vispirms tiek atklāta mūsdienās eksistējošā relatīvisma problemātika, kuras visizplatī...
The discussion about the relationships between reason and faith in the theology of Augustine is conn...
The recent literature on Augustine’s Contra Academicos stresses the philosophical, ethical, and lite...
Augustine and William James both argue that religious faith can be both practical and rational even ...
To what extent, if at all, can we say that the bishop of Hippo thought that the eternal rules functi...
Well known sentence fides quaerens intellectum often mentioned by St. Augustine of Hippo and very po...
Thesis (M.A.)--Boston UniversityPLEASE NOTE: Boston University Libraries did not receive an Authoriz...
A substantial body of literature has been produced in the twentieth century by religious and philos...
Does Augustine succeed in refuting Academic skepticism in the Contra Academicos ? A careful reading ...
In his Contra Academicos, Augustine offers one of the most detailed responses to scepticism to have ...
International audienceAugustine played a crucial role in the history of philosophical skepticism. Th...
According to St. Augustine Faith and Reason are intertwined, overlapping each other, but without exc...
Šiame darbe yra analizuojama antikinės filosofijos ir krikščionybės persipynimas bei antikinių idėjų...
Rad je usmjeren i ograničen na teološki nauk, tj. nauk o Bogu koji sv. Aurelije Augustin (354.-430.)...
Šī bakalaura darba problemātika ir Augustīna filozofijas diskusija ar maniheismu un pelagiānismu. Ra...
Šajā pētījumā vispirms tiek atklāta mūsdienās eksistējošā relatīvisma problemātika, kuras visizplatī...
The discussion about the relationships between reason and faith in the theology of Augustine is conn...
The recent literature on Augustine’s Contra Academicos stresses the philosophical, ethical, and lite...
Augustine and William James both argue that religious faith can be both practical and rational even ...
To what extent, if at all, can we say that the bishop of Hippo thought that the eternal rules functi...
Well known sentence fides quaerens intellectum often mentioned by St. Augustine of Hippo and very po...
Thesis (M.A.)--Boston UniversityPLEASE NOTE: Boston University Libraries did not receive an Authoriz...
A substantial body of literature has been produced in the twentieth century by religious and philos...